BiomagScience Bio-Negative Therapies known in Chinese as “Tsi-Bao”
Chinese Case Studies by Charles Yeh, BiomagScience, Taiwan
The following case studies used BiomagScience’s PUM (Personal Use Magnet) which was replaced by the Super Biomagnet
Medical Equipment Exhibition
In November 1996, I attended a medical equipment exhibition held at the Taipei World Trade Center. I had the pleasure to meet and talk with Dr. Nelson Chung, the chair of the Department of Alternative Medicine at the Taiwan VA Hospital.
The following May, Dr. Chung called me and we had a long discussion on the monopolar BiomagScience. We both came to the conclusion that the bio-effect of the BiomagScience on patients can be monitored using the Bio-energetic Regulatory Measuring Instrument (BERMI) developed by Dr. Chung. In other words, the performance of the BiomagScience Tsi-Bao, can be quantified from BERMI measurements.
The measuring pointer of BERMI goes up when the patients are stimulated, excited or encounter inflammatory responses—this is called the positive magnetic field effect. The measuring pointer of BERMI goes down when the patients are calmed or relaxed—this is called the negative field effect.
Preliminary results showed the positive magnetic field appears to be hazardous to human health, while the negative magnetic field is not. Since then, Dr. Chung has been an essential advocate of “Tsi-Bao.” He first introduced Dr. Davis’ novel concept on the magnetic effects in an article entitled, “The human body is a network of electric circuit,” published in local Evergreen (# 174, September Issue, 1997). Then, he edited a booklet entitled “Monopolar BiomagScience-Based Diagnosis” by referring to the Brochure of Energy Therapy Methodology by Dr. Broeringmeyer. He invited me to join the Taiwanese Energy Medicine Association and we, along with Dr. Pong, co-organized a professional development class on “Application of Biomagnetic Energy” in his clinic. During his visit to the U. S. in January 1998, Dr. Chung began using “Tsi-Bao” to complement his acupuncture treatment on an old friend, Mr. Herb Ellingwood, the legal consultant of former President Bush. Use of “Tsi-Bao” improved Mr. Ellingwood’s situation greatly, and he was able to sleep and attend church again. On his flight back to Taiwan, Dr. Chung also performed an emergency treatment. These two case studies have been reported in the 5th issue of the Association Journal.
Occupational Stress
As a result of long-term occupational stress, my father had a fragile digestive system and required constant medication at an early age. In his later years, liver cancer was detected during a routine health examination and surgery was recommended to cut off the tumors.
Prior to the surgery, I checked with experts from MGI (now Foundation for Magnetic Science) and followed their suggestion, placing a super monopolar BiomagScience (“Tsi-Bao”) against the body near the location where tumors had been diagnosed. In addition, a regular “Tsi-Bao” was worn on the sternum. This enhanced “Tsi-Bao” method of treatment lasted for a month until the surgery.
During the pre-surgery check-up, radiologist Dr. Wang was astonished to tell me that the data from my father’s ultrasound report indicated the movement of blood in the hepatic veins which drain the liver. He had never seen this occur in other cancer patients before, as advanced liver cancer usually spreads to the hepatic veins and blocks the out-flow of blood, causing liver congestion. This phenomenon indicated that “Tsi-Bao” could potentially play a role in tumor regression and the activation and recovery of liver cells, allowing them to function despite the tumor invasion.
Despite this positive response, at the time, I was not yet familiar with the capability of “Tsi-Bao” to target tumors, and did not pursue alternative treatment using solely “Tsi-Bao.” Therefore, the surgical operation was conducted the next day, as scheduled. The surgery was successful in removing the tumors, but the cancer recurred six months later. Dr. Hsu, the primary surgeon, strongly recommended another operation, but family members found it difficult to agree, considering my father’s physical condition was still weak and might not be ready for another stressful operation.
Remembering the previous success of applying Tsi-Bao on my father’s body, I persuaded the family that father’s second operation should be postponed until he had completely recovered from the first. During this recovery period my father consistently followed the enhanced Tsi-Bao method prescribed by MGI.
Six months later, during a routine patient check-up, Dr. Hsu suggested that “hepatic artery embolization” (plugging the arteries to the liver to cut off blood supply to the tumor) procedures be conducted on my father since the tumors in his liver would not be removed right away. Strangely enough, upon using ultrasound spectroscopy to check the tumors, the doctor discovered that the shadow previously detected six months ago had disappeared, indicating no distinctive presence of tumor cells. This encouraging news is an actual case study that shows “Tsi-Bao” can really improve the condition by regressing tumor cells.
My friend Ho called for help when his father was in the hospital for treatment of liver cancer. I instructed Ho to use the enhanced “Tsi-Bao” method by applying three super “Tsi-Baos” to the location of his father’s tumors and having a regular “Tsi-Bao” worn on the sternum. After approximately a week of this enhanced treatment, Ho’s father made progress in his condition and was allowed to leave the hospital.
However, after being released from the hospital, he went quickly back to his old, bad habits, addictions, and discontinued the use of “Tsi-Bao” despite of the risk of recurrence. Ho’s father was diagnosed with tumor recurrence many times soon-after; each time, this life-threatening announcement frightened him into applying the enhanced “Tsi-Bao” method.
Ho’s cousin, a doctor at the Wanfang Hospital, was surprised with the whole scenario and could not understand what’s going on. However, because hospital regulations prevent the release of medical examination records, no official evidence was available to support the effects of applying “Tsi-Bao” on the tumor. This was a pity, as Ho’s father could have really benefited from applying the enhanced Tsi Bao method consistently to his lifestyle. However, this experience did convince Ho of the effectiveness of “Tsi-Bao” and he has been one of the loyal promoters of applying it to many patients ever since.
Liver Cancer
My friend Ho called for help when his father was in the hospital for treatment of liver cancer. I instructed Ho to use the enhanced “Tsi-Bao” method by applying three super “Tsi-Baos” to the location of his father’s tumors and having a regular “Tsi-Bao” worn on the sternum. After approximately a week of this enhanced treatment, Ho’s father made progress in his condition and was allowed to leave the hospital.
However, after being released from the hospital, he went quickly back to his old, bad habits, addictions, and discontinued the use of “Tsi-Bao” despite of the risk of recurrence. Ho’s father was diagnosed with tumor recurrence many times soon-after; each time, this life-threatening announcement frightened him into applying the enhanced “Tsi-Bao” method.
Ho’s cousin, a doctor at the Wanfang Hospital, was surprised with the whole scenario and could not understand what’s going on. However, because hospital regulations prevent the release of medical examination records, no official evidence was available to support the effects of applying “Tsi-Bao” on the tumor. This was a pity, as Ho’s father could have really benefited from applying the enhanced Tsi Bao method consistently to his lifestyle. However, this experience did convince Ho of the effectiveness of “Tsi-Bao” and he has been one of the loyal promoters of applying it to many patients ever since.
Flu Infections
During his tenure as the Dean of the Zen-Tsing Medical Research Institute, Professor Wan attended many international conferences and published many medical reports. Such a busy schedule made him susceptible to flu infections and he caught colds easily. This illness not only interfered with Professor Wan’s daily life but even affected his research progress especially after oversea trips when his body rhythms were disrupted by jet lag. At a medical equipment exhibition show, he was introduced to ‘Tsi-Bao” and became intrigued by the potential health effects of negative magnet energy. He bought a set of ‘Tsi-Bao” and used it regularly, following the procedures in the brochure diligently.
After some time, he saw the potential benefit of using “Tsi-Bao”: his frequent bouts of flu infection had disappeared! As a scientist, he became intrigued with the mechanisms of the recovery process, and decided to investigate the biological effects of negative magnetic energy by using free radical reduction as a biomarker, which followed the protocol recommended by the Taiwanese National Science Foundation.
This project was a collaborative effort among Professor Wan, myself, and Dr. Chen, the Chairman of the Internal Medicine Department in the Institute. Fischer-344 (or Sprague Dawley??) rats with damaged livers were used in this study to investigate any enhanced liver recovery resulting from the application of negative magnetic field.
The results demonstrate the positive effects of “Tsi-Bao”: there is reduced free radical production, lessened inflammation, and a decline in ATP content in the presence of “Tsi-Bao.” The report is published in Volume 7 of the Journal of this Association; it can also be found in Volume 8 with the combined issue. Professor Wan shared the results with Dr. Cheng (National Taiwan University Hospital) and a follow-up experimental demonstration was conducted in Dr. Cheng’s laboratory to investigate the effects of negative magnetic energy on free radical production.
Interestingly, in the presence of “Tsi-Bao,” there is a distinctive, whole-scale reduction of radicals as quantified by Electron Spin Resonance in the laboratory. Dr. Cheng was amazed by this phenomenon of free radical reduction and asked if I could elucidate what had happened. A black and white TV was present in the lab and I saw a perfect opportunity to demonstrate this phenomenon. I positioned the positive magnetic pole of the “Tsi-Bao” close to the TV screen (consisting of electron beams) and then repeated the procedure with the reverse (negative) pole.
I explained that the difference of the two distorted patterns on the screen was partly due to the different electron spins under the different magnetic fields: electrons are inclined to spin counterclockwise under the influence of negative magnetic energy, whereas positive magnetic energy tends to make electrons spin clockwise. Under normal biological conditions, cells exhibit a counterclockwise electron spin and thus a negative magnetic energy. Free radicals in the cells are formed when electron(s) are stripped from bio-molecules as a result of a change in the electron spin from a normal counterclockwise state to an unstable clockwise state. The presence of negative magnetic energy in can suppress the production of free radicals by opposing the electron stripping, as well as eliminating free radicals by reversing the electron spin to the normal counterclockwise state.
Hurt Ankle
Mr. Yeh, the Planning and Exploration Department Manager of an automobile company, plays basketball often, but has hurt his ankle various times. The injury often requires many visits to a chiropractor and a prolonged rehabilitation period. However, Mr. Yeh started applying the negative field of “Tsi-Bao” to the injured site during sleep. Since then, he has observed a 2-3 day recovery in swelling, a major improvement to past recovery times.
Positive vs. Negative Field Polarity
Mr. Ling is my friend S. C. Chen’s classmate in the Pharmacy Department of Taipei Medical College. Formerly serving as the primary pharmacist in Chung-Sing Hospital, he is currently the owner of a pharmacy store. To demonstrate the different effect positive vs. negative field polarity has on humans, he had photos taken in Chun-Mao photography store located at Ba-Teh Road. Figure 7 shows the different coloration of the halos around the person in the Polaroid photos when no field (right), positive field (center), and negative field (left) of “Tsi-Bao” were worn, respectively. While the red color shows that there was no distinctive energy observed around the person, the dark blue color reveals that the energy was concentrated around the person and the light blue color suggests that the energy was radiated outward.
Qigong Practice
Master Liu teaches traditional Chinese martial arts at a local Kung-Fu center. After experiencing the benefits of “Tsi-Bao” himself, Master Liu recommends his students to wear “Tsi-Bao” to complement Qigong practice. In his words, “Beginners should place the positive side of the “Tsi-Bao” on the right palm and the negative side of the “Tsi-Bao” on the left palm simultaneously while practicing the movement of Qi, which will bring about the state of quiescence and tranquility.”
Japanese Isogai Therapy
Clinical therapists like Dr. Chang, an expert in spinal manipulative techniques, Mr. Chen of the Reflexology master, and Mr. Lin of the Japanese Isogai therapy, have all seen many patients over a long period of time. They all witness and deeply appreciate the benefit of “Tsi-Bao.” They not only wear “Tsi-Bao” themselves, but also recommend it to their patients for daily health-care at home. They have all set good examples for the complementary therapeutic approach praised by the Energy Medicine Association.
There are scientific case studies that show the before and after cellular voltage readings on 15-year and 25-year term chronic malabsorption cases that could not be healed by any modality or drug or alternative medicine until BiomagScience which showed healing started within one hour from the Biomagscience therapy application. Additional Photomicroscopy shows an immediate increase in red blood cell terrain health. There is also photomicroscopy of free-radical sites healing in a very short period of time..
All of these BiomagScience scientific research test results have never been seen before. Never has any healing support ever produced such rapid healing results. There are many thousands more cases, studies and testimonials to be collected worldwide from practitioners, clients, medical colleges and universities.
BiomagScience Recommendation
BiomagScience recommends the Wellness Kit general and advanced therapies such as OGE (organ Group Energizing), Daytime, Nightime and MET (Meridian Energizing Therapy) along with Bio-Negative Structured water daily to help the body’s biochemistry energize and balance which has shown to support healing and wellness.
In addition, the Wellness Kit contains all the Advanced Circuit Therapy Kits and everything necessary for over 180 simple and painfully acute injuries, chronic illness and other medical conditions. It is considered by many worldwide as the most important first aid kit to have in the home for those aches, pains bruises, sprains, burns, bites, etc. It is also considered to be the best overall supplemental energy kit for your family’s daily wellness. Every home should have one.”
This has helped with second-degree burns in a few days leaving no trace or scar.